What is your natural baseline?

I am fortunate that I did my testosterone blood test three years ago as it was able to show my baseline high level of testosterone in comparison to my low level this year.

Three years ago: 24.86 nmol/L (716 ng/dL)
Now: 15.4 nmol/L (443 ng/dL)
Male reference range 8.64 - 29.00

That was the evidence that helped me to get on TRT and gave me clear reasoning as to why I was feeling the symptoms now. If I had no testosterone history to compare against, then there would have been no basis of comparison to which a doctor can justifiably offer me TRT.

Even with the data, there were medical personnel online that doubted me and told me that TRT should not be for me. This is added to the fact that in Singapore, most people don’t know much about testosterone treatment and the immediate idea of using it is resulted from muscle gain intentions because of bodybuilding users who abuse it, which is tragically not the case and many men who suffer depression / emotional fluctuations / performance anxiety would seriously benefit from optimising their testosterone levels.

It is important for young guys in their twenties to go get their testosterone levels checked so as to have a knowledge of how high they were at (peak natural levels). This is the optimum level that you will want to live at.