The Death Grip

Ever since I decided to take action on my health, I started on TRT, ate 10 eggs a day and practised nofap and noporn. The aim is to improve my erections and make my libido stronger as I always felt that I had lower than average libido, and my erections took a while to get hard and subsequently become soft pretty quickly.

On the topic of nofap, my aim is to increase the sensitivity of my dick and raise the sensation and stimulation from having sex with a person instead of by myself and using porn to turn myself on. Throughout my life, I have been using porn to get off frequently and it has become such a deep-rooted habit that it has affected my sex life significantly. I would jerk off night and day even when I was not horny just because I started watching some porn videos and would use the death grip on my soft dick to try really hard to jerk something out. It was this mindless act that made me want to cum even though the actual sensation of cumming brought me no joy thereafter. This behaviour, I believe, led to my ED and lack of sex drive.

Having done nofap for two weeks, I definitely feel hornier and I feel more 'alive' instead of 'flat' from post-ejaculation fatigue. I do require more self-discipline to keep myself from touching my dick and I am glad that as of now I have kept to my words. I feel more animalistic three days into nofap and my mind would run astray and start going into a sort of hunting mode, making me want to fuck and have sex intensely. My mind would start thinking of sex and the urge to mate with someone would flood my mind. This gives me the training to test my discipline and self-control from finishing myself and diverting the focus to socialising and expressing my improved confidence with others.

One week into this nofap (no ejaculation also), I was so horny that I needed to nut myself so I gave myself the exclusion that allowed me to nut if I used a Fleshlight and thrust into it without any involvement of my hands. This simulation of sex would 

These are the rules I have set out for myself that are different from the general Reddit guidelines of what nofap should be:
1. I cannot jerk my dick by myself at any time 
2. I can jerk myself if I have sex with someone
3. I cannot use the death grip at all times
4. I will use lube along with 2 finger grip for jerking off with someone
5. If someone else jerks me off, that is fine
6. No porn while jerking 
7. If I need to release when alone, I will use a Fleshlight and thrust into it instead of hand assistance
8. I can stimulate my nipples and ass anytime by myself but no touching of my penis for self-stimulation