Who you're around is who you'll become

I find exceptional truth in this, especially from my recent change in workout schedule from working out after work, to before work early in the morning. The people who work out in the morning seem to have much more drive and dedication, because they made the difficult decision of sleeping early, leaving the comfort of their bed and heading out to the gym in the dark before sunrise.

The morning men look more focused, disciplined and show a stronger intention of why they're there. I see none of the in-between-sets phone users and draggy socialising chats around me in the morning. If you're there at 6:30 am, you're there to do your routine, push hard and get out to continue your day. It also helps that (based on my observation) guys who train in the morning are better looking and give off greater masculine energy, as though the general testosterone level is above that of the common crowd.

This change to a morning routine on weekdays before work has given me a greater sense of dedication and improved my mood to succeed in my fitness goals this year. I find that it has made me enjoy the hard work and drove me to prioritise fitness as the first thing I look forward to each day.

I would say there is a different vibe I'm getting from my workplace, or generally the people I see outside of fitness, where there is a sense of ennui and listlessness in their lives. At work I often hear people saying they're tired, they have no energy, they have no motivation, they want to go home, and I find that immersing myself in this environment over time kills off my motivation. This brings me to the idea that I should always surround myself with the top-tiers, people who are better than me, and stronger-willed than me so that I will push myself harder and become a better version of myself. We're social animals after all and we look to our peers to gauge our own performance.

I will keep to my goals, surround myself with the right people, and make the first year of my 30s an exceptional one.