Was I working smart or taking a shortcut?

So there’s a carpark with a circular design, where it only goes clockwise, so there was an available lot to the right where I just entered which required me to go one big round just to park there because it’s one way only. In the spur of the moment, seeing no other cars around, I took the chance and went against the direction to take the parking lot.

This got me thinking, that there are certain instances in life when we got to make the smarter choice to take a shortcut, so as not to waste valuable time going the full circle just to get to the same end goal.

Given that I was not inconveniencing other people (since I checked that there was no imminent traffic as I went against the flow), would this be considered wrong? Ethically speaking, I cannot say that there were no other cars who turned to the longer path and I was not able to see them, and by taking the shortcut, I might have stolen their chance. But regardless of that, if I were to look at it selfishly, ultimately this decision was for my own good.

Similarly, in life, there is a fine line between working smart and taking a shortcut. We have to act smartly to not waste significant amounts of time in our lives slogging away (going the long path) and not be noticed.